Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site

How Audio can Influence Sales

Audio can enhance your website by letting your visitor listen to your voice, which is the next closest form of marketing besides a face to face meeting.

Who can use Audio?

Anyone can use audio, it all depends how knowledgeable you are when it comes to designing your site. For those that need help there are plenty of tutorials on how to place audio on your site all over the internet.

Audio and Affiliate Programs-Cause a ripple effect.

One commonly used strategy is to have audio reviews of the different affiliate programs you are associated with.

Find a product that pays a decent commission, write up a review of the product that you are promoting, use your written review as a script. Record the script in either .mp3 or .wav file. Upload the sound file, the website, and your done!

Audio can Increase Conversion Rates

If you are going to use audio clips for the affiliate programs you've chosen to promote, you may very well find that using audio can definitely increase your conversion ratio.

Keep your Audio file as small as possible. One important part for you to keep in mind is the size of your sound file, if the file is to large it will take "forever" to download and the majority of web surfers are impatient. Try and keep your audio review to 60 seconds or under. This should allow your webpage and sound file to download at the same time.

Keep in mind that you can place an audio clip on your site or inside an ebook, some people like audio some don't.

How Audio helps the visually impaired.

It all depends on your preferences, one benefit of using audio on your site is to accomodate the visually impaired.

Audio-Learn one step at a time.

Granted, creating an audio clip may seem a little confusing at first because you have to get familiar with the software you've chosen to use. But like most other tasks in life, practice makes perfect.

Audio-How is the file activated?

There are a couple of ways in which your visitor can activate the audio on your site. One is by clicking on a link, the other involves placing a small amount of code on your site that automatically downloads everytime you get a visitor to the page you've placed the audio clip on.

Audio-How about pop-up's and popunders?

You can also create pop-up's or pop-unders with an audio clip that downloads as the pop-up or pop-under window activates when your visitor goes to exit your site. An example of this would be to use your clip to encourage sign-up's for your ezine.

Audio-Where can you get tutored on this subject?

There are many tutorials on the net that teach people how to create pop-up's or pop-under's, there are also software programs that make the creation process a whole lot easier. There are also plenty of audio recording software programs out there, some are fr**, others cost money.

Final Comments:

By no means am I encouraging you to place audio on every page of your site, leave some pages as just plain text, others with text and a picture, and then text, picture and audio. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, but it never hurts to test. You won't know until you try.

Good luck,


About The Author

Brian Holte is a freelance writer who owns He publishes a monthly ezine covering topics related to creating ebooks, he shows you what works for him in hopes of helping you.

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