Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio On Your Website

When it comes to adding sound to your site are the ten commandments to be followed absolutely. Breaking any of these offers and you can see the unity of their visitors faster than the speed of sound. Fortunately, if you follow the Ten Commandments can people stay on your site, check whether the product or service most often and buy more of what they sell. This is not right? So without further ado, here are the ten commandments to follow when you add audio to your site. Commandment # 1 # configure sound to play automatically when people come to your site. Visitors have different groups with different speakers, some the size of all courses, some are already listening to music, some are not even begin to speakers. If you start to play automatically sound you may lose potential customers. It is much Easer out of a site or return button and it comes to finding ways to disable the sound. An exception to this offer is the use of pop-up. The pop-up windows can be closed by visitors, but left on its website. The same applies to the late pop-ups, these windows can be very effective to move the attention from visitors, even if some people do not like May, it was very successful in some uses. Commandment No. 2 sounds like a Pro! You need professional audio on your site. Everything else will see as an amateur. If you view your own poetry or tell a personal story or marketing yourself, you must use your own voice. But if you try to sell you something, and the voice is not completely cut, then you have a professional voice of the person to record audio. It will make a difference. For a list of records available for professionals offers # 3 when it is used for the Audio to sell or market the cards! Long audio messages have their place in line and they are rarely on the first page of a site. Keep your messages short and concise, to the point, and easy to follow. This can make all the difference in his audio message. Try to keep your promotional audio message around 30 to 90 seconds. Advertising is only 30 seconds and do very well follow his example and do the same. Commandment No. 4 Be prepared! If you or someone else to sound recording and writing the script. Type a word with the word, law, practice, high and changed if necessary. If you just flew as if. Others have heard the criticism and script before recording. Adjust the script by removing unnecessary language, length cutting, and the text for maximum effect. Commandment No. 5 When you have your own sound, smile! Through his voice. But remember, if it does not sound like a professional even when you smile, and then get one! Commandment # 6 Do not overload your website with audio. If you have too many audio to select the most choose to none. Even when you have just a few buttons for audio on its Web site that encourages people to listen to your audio message. A single button right audio is often enough to get their input. Commandment No. 7 use music! The use of music in more votes has 100 times more professional and more attractive. Add a simple introduction to music that fits the theme of your site, with sound effects if done well can make a big difference in how the message sounds. Remember to use music that is free of charge or music that you have the right to use. Place your favorite song by the Beatles on their website, you can get in trouble. You can find more music without copyright resources here. offers # 8 Have a point! May this good obvious, but many people place audio on your site, not only because it can be for any reason. Nobody cares about how his fantasy of sound, if they do not much point to it. They have a purpose and a reason for the use of sound. Commandment No. 9 Tell people to listen to your music! A single audio button on your site is not enough. You have to tell people what they want to hear what it is, how long it is, and click to listen. Do not assume that people will find your account, people need to be told what to do on the Web, and the same will say listen to the audio. In addition, visitors indicates the length of your message that you're not afraid to listen because he knows how long it is. Research has shown that some people do not listen to an audio message in fear that May be too long. If there is a long message and told his visitors so that they are ready for one-hour audio message. Commandment No. 10 test sound! Not only the audio on your site thinking it will increase sales. Try to obtain the views of their visitors, family and friends, and then try division. To find out if sales are up sound. If not share its test site with different messages and without audio, so you never know if it will help or hinder your website. To make streaming audio on your site and find a wealth of information, voiceover work, accommodation, tools and more information, visit www.web http://www.web-audio- /-language commentaries. com business digital copyright All rights reserved editorial policy and Re-Print: The text of the article resource box, URLs and copyright must remain intact and unchanged. When re-published on the Internet, all links are live hyperlinks. This article can not be distributed in any way that does not meet federal guidelines for communication. This article should not be password protected or restricted to members or to pay only for display. This article will be free. These policies should not be included when they come back to the publication of this article.

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