Monday, March 9, 2009

Seven Ways to Warm Your Prospects Using Website Audio

Gone are the days when putting audio on its Web site consists of subjecting visitors to gaudy fanfare music and various cliché? D sound effects. Fortunately, the sound has become much more sophisticated and new techniques that allow streaming audio has been granted permission to use their own voice as a very effective marketing. Most visitors to the site to have a computer with audio capabilities. With the help of his own voice, can deepen the impact of their marketing message, and develop a stronger connection to their visitors. Many streaming audio to promote and sell music services claim that a conversion increased up to 300%! Why is it so effective audio marketing tool? It's really simple. It is well known in consumer psychology more than the senses engaged, the easier it is to communicate a message and motivate a sale. Sanser evoke feelings and emotions are memorable. When it comes to surf the Internet, the sense of hearing is much more powerful than the sense of sight. The user to remember that 20% of what they read, but remember an incredible 70% of what they hear. Visitors have responded to their voices, so that they can not be achieved by words, whatever the size is your copy. Audio power comes from its ability to reinforce their message through the participation of its most powerful visitor senses. Some of the most effective ways to use streaming audio on its website: Introduction: The use of streaming audio for you, your website and some of the most important products or services to its users. If you do this will remove some of anonymity on the Internet and experience helps build trust between you and your point of view. Testimony: It is a fact that the testimony which included a photograph seem more credible for the visitors with just text. The testimonies that contain text, images and sound a note is the best thing to have satisfied customers appeal to visitors and tell them personally how their products are good! Insurance services: the location of audio files on important issues in the field, for example, order forms, payments, or links, is an excellent way to reassure visitors about common concerns. Streaming audio can be used to explain the payment process, security issues, services and account information other people have concerns May compared to its Web site. Instructions: Streaming audio buttons let you quickly give directions to visitors. A good example of this can be found on A note explaining exactly what it takes to make a presentation successfully supported every step of sending the article! Tip: More than 80% of Internet users click on the link that offers a tip? Why? Because they know that a municipality is a small piece of useful information. A point of reading is not to read an instruction manual. This is an opportunity to get information quickly. Install a peak audio on the site every day, and you'll find people do not get tired of pressing the button to play! The teleconferences and seminars: streaming audio is a good way to offer its visitors with the reproduction of seminars and teleconferences. Thank you: Create a streaming audio message to be sent by e-mail whenever a client or prospect to buy the product or service. By recognizing a purchase personally is a great way to build customer loyalty and increase sales of recidivism. Finally, a brief warning! Audio is a powerful tool when used in a responsible manner. Do not change their visitors with the sound as soon as it arrives on your site. You never know where people have access, or other sounds can be published on their computers. I read about visitors is very annoying sound is played without an invitation because they were listening to CD or sat in the workplace. It is important that users have complete control over their audio. A simple invitation to click is all it takes. You will be surprised by the number of people who are motivated by curiosity and will feel compelled to click the play button. Also take the time to prepare his message. Try to encourage her voice and personality to inject in his message that, instead of a formal appeal. The most important of all, be confident and be yourself! This article May be reproduced in its entirety only if the state naturressurs box is included. Tracey Meagher is the founder of, a website that reviews all new resources and tools available to add sound to your Web site. Visit to receive audio resources that will allow you to add sound to your site within 60 minutes!

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