Tuesday, March 24, 2009

7 Ways to Use Website Audio in Your Marketing Arsenal

Most visitors to your site is to use a computer with audio capabilities. Recently introduced techniques make it easier to take advantage of this capability. In the past, web audio was primarily decorative, consisting of brass band music or click? D sound effects. Now you can use audio to multiply the effect of his message and build closer ties with their visitors. Its power comes from its ability to participate more than their sense of visitors. Other ways to participate, the easier it is to communicate effectively. Rather than read his words and see the image of it, talk to your voice? and the voice of their customers. The flow of sound can be seen by comparing the newspaper column version of Tom and Ray Magliozzi Car Talk requests to be sent each week on National Public Radio. Although the column and radio address the same subjects, is much more fun to watch cars Talk? where you can experience Tom and Ray in nations and phrasing? reading the same words. These are some of the ways you can use audio on your website: - Welcoming messages. You can create closer emotional bonds with website visitors by personally welcoming to your site and the introduction of certain characteristics that must be explored. - Testimonials. Audio testimonials are far more powerful than the written testimony, especially if you take a picture of the speaker's testimony. The next best thing to a face-to-face reference is the registration of a client explaining their satisfaction with the product in their own words. - Security. The degree of satisfaction are guaranteed to have an impact when delivered in his own voice. Place your order at the point of sale. People are naturally cautious about ordering products and services on the Internet. Make sure that your personal data and credit card information is safe with you. - Seminars and teleconferences. Short on upcoming events can make the event even more attractive. Fragments of the past seminars can whet the appetite for more visitors. - Tips. Add interest to your site describing a sound Tip of the Day or the tip of the week with their own words. Make sure to provide access to previous advice, too. - Audio postcards. You can include audio calls and testimonials as links in e-mail sent to customers and prospects. To arrange an audio testimonial, simply provide your customer a phone number and password, and invite them to speak and express their satisfaction with their purchase from you. Audio card is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and prospects with an announcement that a product or service. They are also a quick method to recognize a special occasion. - Streaming audio can be used to allow visitors to play several events, like seminars or teleconferences. When you add audio to your site, allows users to maintain control. Do not start reading your message when you load the page. Instead, invite visitors to click to hear his voice. Keep your messages short and concise as possible. And avoid script of your introduction and guarantees. Note the key ideas you want to communicate, but deliver in his own words as conversationally as possible. Web audio is no longer a futuristic luxury. Web audio is here and now is as close to their phones. It is a cheap and easily added can provide, apart from the competition and help communicate his message with more impact. Roger C. Parker knows the secrets of promoting your business on a single page. Discover the easy way to stay in constant contact with its customers, while saving time and money. Visit three reports for free.

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