Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales

Designed to add sound to your site? You must. While large copy do a good job of selling their products and services audio amplify the impact of his words. Audio gives you a more personal relationship with visitors on the site. Social psychologists tell us that man is more likely to trust you if they can see and hear you. And the prospects are more likely to buy those who feel they know, love and trust. Therefore, we will explore how we can build an instant connection with their potential customers.
What can you do with sound? </ B> There are endless possibilities of what can be done with audio on Web pages and e-mail, but here are seven simple ideas to get started.
1. Personal greet visitors. </ B>
Welcome to the first visitors to our Web site with its own voice. It is much warmer welcome than just text.
2. Create a series of lessons audio
audio learning is hot! Teach the audience with her voice rather than mere words on the page. Remember to develop a series of mini-lessons sound for potential customers.
3. Share your interview
If you do not already have an interview clip, you can ask a friend or colleague to make a brief, dynamic interview with you on the phone. Write and place it on our website. Or create a series of interviews with other experts in their fields, and add them to your site to be heard.
4. Samples of Teleseminars
Want to know more open for subscriptions and / or paid teleseminars? Then start recording. Remove the strengths and clips free on its Web site.
5. Last update his testimony. </ B>
You probably already have customers in place. Now, strengthening its influence with sound. Are your customers register their stories in their own voice, and is published on the site with their names and photos.
6. Create your e-mail and e-zines Talk. </ B>
life to your e-mail, making them talk to their potential customers, subscribers and customers. Members in their lists feel like you're there with them. (And remember, is that the personal relationship that encourages people to rent or buy their products.) Be the first in the industry to do so, and look at the figures instead!
7. Postcards audio
Now your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays or other special occasions by sending an e-mail postcard personal with a recorded message.
What is the easiest way to posts audio? </ B> in the past, add sound to your site that has not been easy. Either you have to spend several hours learning how to do it yourself or pay someone else to take it up with the activity to be for you. Hence, I've never been interested before the sound. I can e-zine Queen, but I'm not a technical queen. In fact, my VCR still blinks 12:00 ... 12:00 ... 12:00. Here's the good news is a new program that
audio recording and ridiculously easy
. It is called the producer and the sound was created by Armand Morin, the same man who created the POPUP generator and a number of other innovative initiatives generator . I registered immediately after making his debut in this system 3 Seminar in Ohio a few weeks ago. Here is an example of how easy Audio Generator is as follows: Say you want to add an audio hi to your side this afternoon. Just call the generator free audio and save your fax message. Then, when you hang up, go to access the site. Ta Da ... the message is clear and waiting, with a line of HTML code so you can copy and paste it into your home. That's it! Even better, you can do
an unlimited number of times
and full
on your site (or more). You can also download digital audio
up to 30 minutes
, which I will do for samples of my teleclasses. Click here to get the read any history, and see (and hear) E-zine Queen's own testimony audio audio Generator website.
Remember, this is the personal connection that matters
Take time today to reflect on what they could do with the audio on your site and e-mail to improve the relationship with their visitors. Then select at least one tactic in order to complete this month. It May be the best addition you have done for their marketing efforts online this year. (c) 2003 Alexandria K. Brown, the author Alexandria K. Brown, E-zine Queen , is the author of award-winning manual, Boost Business with its own e-zine. If you want to know more about her book and sign up for more free advice as these, you can go online onMouseOver = window.status = 'http://EzineQueenTutorial. com / '; Return true; onMouseOut = window.status =''; return true;

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