Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site

How Audio can Influence Sales

Audio can enhance your website by letting your visitor listen to your voice, which is the next closest form of marketing besides a face to face meeting.

Who can use Audio?

Anyone can use audio, it all depends how knowledgeable you are when it comes to designing your site. For those that need help there are plenty of tutorials on how to place audio on your site all over the internet.

Audio and Affiliate Programs-Cause a ripple effect.

One commonly used strategy is to have audio reviews of the different affiliate programs you are associated with.

Find a product that pays a decent commission, write up a review of the product that you are promoting, use your written review as a script. Record the script in either .mp3 or .wav file. Upload the sound file, the website, and your done!

Audio can Increase Conversion Rates

If you are going to use audio clips for the affiliate programs you've chosen to promote, you may very well find that using audio can definitely increase your conversion ratio.

Keep your Audio file as small as possible. One important part for you to keep in mind is the size of your sound file, if the file is to large it will take "forever" to download and the majority of web surfers are impatient. Try and keep your audio review to 60 seconds or under. This should allow your webpage and sound file to download at the same time.

Keep in mind that you can place an audio clip on your site or inside an ebook, some people like audio some don't.

How Audio helps the visually impaired.

It all depends on your preferences, one benefit of using audio on your site is to accomodate the visually impaired.

Audio-Learn one step at a time.

Granted, creating an audio clip may seem a little confusing at first because you have to get familiar with the software you've chosen to use. But like most other tasks in life, practice makes perfect.

Audio-How is the file activated?

There are a couple of ways in which your visitor can activate the audio on your site. One is by clicking on a link, the other involves placing a small amount of code on your site that automatically downloads everytime you get a visitor to the page you've placed the audio clip on.

Audio-How about pop-up's and popunders?

You can also create pop-up's or pop-unders with an audio clip that downloads as the pop-up or pop-under window activates when your visitor goes to exit your site. An example of this would be to use your clip to encourage sign-up's for your ezine.

Audio-Where can you get tutored on this subject?

There are many tutorials on the net that teach people how to create pop-up's or pop-under's, there are also software programs that make the creation process a whole lot easier. There are also plenty of audio recording software programs out there, some are fr**, others cost money.

Final Comments:

By no means am I encouraging you to place audio on every page of your site, leave some pages as just plain text, others with text and a picture, and then text, picture and audio. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, but it never hurts to test. You won't know until you try.

Good luck,


About The Author

Brian Holte is a freelance writer who owns He publishes a monthly ezine covering topics related to creating ebooks, he shows you what works for him in hopes of helping you.

DVD Audio: An Introduction

DVD-Audio format is a musical that is designed to provide better sound reproduction on CD. The new audio format can be used to provide listeners with Advanced Resolution stereo and / or multi-channel (up to a maximum of six channels) music. To be able to play DVD-Audio players must be specifically designed to support the format. Until now, electronics manufacturers announced a series of DVD-Audio, including home decks, portable players and devices for cars. DVD-Audio has a sampling rate up to 192 kHz, compared to a maximum of at least 44.1 kHz CD. It also supports 24-bit resolution, 16 bits compared to CD. The idea behind DVD-Audio is that the producers to give listeners a playback experience that is much more faithful to the original master recording that has already been possible. DVD-Audio discs have a much greater capacity than the CD. This extra space can be used to provide audio with the highest possible quality or more for registration, or provide additional documentation, such as artist, photos and video, all of which can be viewed on a TV screen. In addition, the DVD-Audio currently on the market for brands such as Warner group of labels have the audio content in both DVD-Audio and Dolby Digital surround sound to be played on DVD players. DVD-Audio discs are navigable in the same way as DVD Video when played on a drive connected to a TV. Users can select tracks from a menu on the screen, and with an Internet connection, click on the links to visit the sites. Both format discs are a good way to start the market for DVD-Audio players are still relatively rare. The market will also be helped by combined DVD Video and audio players. Robert Armstrong is a contributor to <a target = _blank href = http://www.the- HDTV HDTV Tuner - a guide for the kit, content and HDTV problems.

MP3 vs. WMA

There are only a few audio compression formats out there, just as there are only a few sizes of image compression (May you have heard of them: JPG, GIF, BMP). Two of the most popular audio formats WMA, or Windows Media Audio and MP3 (MPEG stands for Moving Pictures Experts Group, Audio Layer 3). WMA is the older audio format, produced by Microsoft, to work with Microsoft Windows Media Player. WMA compression format was designed specifically for this format and therefore can not be converted to other audio formats. The sound quality of MP3 and WMA audio formats tend to be significantly different. WMA is a quality of streaming audio format of the telephone line speeds (or perhaps 30 Kbps). At the same speed WMA almost as if a FM level of audio quality, but not entirely. At 128 kbps, Microsoft claims that WMA is near CD quality, although many are denied. WMA is not expected more complete. The compression provides relatively small audio files and requires less processing power to run. Deminishing therefore retain a niche as MP3 has become more popular and widely used. MP3 audio compression was developed in Germany in 1991 by the Fraunhofer Institute. MP3 typically provides higher sound quality WMA because they use the perception of audio coding to compress CD-quality sound by a factor of 12 Accordingly, the MP3 has become almost universal standard audio between use and the broadcasting. Provides CD-quality sound reasonable size and compression at high speed continuously. Beware, but low rates, quality MP3 probably suffer. James Bradley is an editor, a website containing many helpful consumer electronics review articles. For more information on MP3 and WMA audio formats, please visit our MP3 vs. WMA site.

Adding Streaming Audio to Your Website

Adding streaming audio on your site can help you improve the message you send to your customers and can serve as a wonderful confidence-building tool. In the past, audio was used primarily as a decorative effect, but advances in technology and growth of Internet use by consumers have it easy to add streaming audio on your website and create a personal relationship with their customers. You can also add streaming audio on your blog or newsletter a personal touch that keeps the interest of their readers and subscribers. Streaming audio can be used in messages of welcome on the homepage of its website. Adding a welcome message to their readers and explain some of the features you can explore on your site is an excellent way to improve the customer experience. May you also want to add streaming audio on your site in the form of testimonials from satisfied customers. Most users have the opportunity to listen to audio messages, and it is a refreshing change monotonous text that may or may not hold their interest. His newsletter or blog will benefit from the use of streaming audio as well. You can add a new tips in the form of audio each day on your blog or audio updates in its newsletter. Adding streaming audio on your website, newsletters, blogs, or is more and more frivolous. It is not difficult or expensive to add audio to your site and you find that customers appreciate this new feature. The audio content should be conversational and pleasant, and sound as natural as possible. You can write articles and items you want to cover in his message streaming audio, but record your message as if you talk to your friends and family. Adding streaming audio on your site, blog or newsletter is the perfect way to give customers a personal message that will give them confidence in their honesty and integrity. For more valuable resource to develop a successful business on its head today!

The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio On Your Website

When it comes to adding sound to your site are the ten commandments to be followed absolutely. Breaking any of these offers and you can see the unity of their visitors faster than the speed of sound. Fortunately, if you follow the Ten Commandments can people stay on your site, check whether the product or service most often and buy more of what they sell. This is not right? So without further ado, here are the ten commandments to follow when you add audio to your site. Commandment # 1 # configure sound to play automatically when people come to your site. Visitors have different groups with different speakers, some the size of all courses, some are already listening to music, some are not even begin to speakers. If you start to play automatically sound you may lose potential customers. It is much Easer out of a site or return button and it comes to finding ways to disable the sound. An exception to this offer is the use of pop-up. The pop-up windows can be closed by visitors, but left on its website. The same applies to the late pop-ups, these windows can be very effective to move the attention from visitors, even if some people do not like May, it was very successful in some uses. Commandment No. 2 sounds like a Pro! You need professional audio on your site. Everything else will see as an amateur. If you view your own poetry or tell a personal story or marketing yourself, you must use your own voice. But if you try to sell you something, and the voice is not completely cut, then you have a professional voice of the person to record audio. It will make a difference. For a list of records available for professionals offers # 3 when it is used for the Audio to sell or market the cards! Long audio messages have their place in line and they are rarely on the first page of a site. Keep your messages short and concise, to the point, and easy to follow. This can make all the difference in his audio message. Try to keep your promotional audio message around 30 to 90 seconds. Advertising is only 30 seconds and do very well follow his example and do the same. Commandment No. 4 Be prepared! If you or someone else to sound recording and writing the script. Type a word with the word, law, practice, high and changed if necessary. If you just flew as if. Others have heard the criticism and script before recording. Adjust the script by removing unnecessary language, length cutting, and the text for maximum effect. Commandment No. 5 When you have your own sound, smile! Through his voice. But remember, if it does not sound like a professional even when you smile, and then get one! Commandment # 6 Do not overload your website with audio. If you have too many audio to select the most choose to none. Even when you have just a few buttons for audio on its Web site that encourages people to listen to your audio message. A single button right audio is often enough to get their input. Commandment No. 7 use music! The use of music in more votes has 100 times more professional and more attractive. Add a simple introduction to music that fits the theme of your site, with sound effects if done well can make a big difference in how the message sounds. Remember to use music that is free of charge or music that you have the right to use. Place your favorite song by the Beatles on their website, you can get in trouble. You can find more music without copyright resources here. offers # 8 Have a point! May this good obvious, but many people place audio on your site, not only because it can be for any reason. Nobody cares about how his fantasy of sound, if they do not much point to it. They have a purpose and a reason for the use of sound. Commandment No. 9 Tell people to listen to your music! A single audio button on your site is not enough. You have to tell people what they want to hear what it is, how long it is, and click to listen. Do not assume that people will find your account, people need to be told what to do on the Web, and the same will say listen to the audio. In addition, visitors indicates the length of your message that you're not afraid to listen because he knows how long it is. Research has shown that some people do not listen to an audio message in fear that May be too long. If there is a long message and told his visitors so that they are ready for one-hour audio message. Commandment No. 10 test sound! Not only the audio on your site thinking it will increase sales. Try to obtain the views of their visitors, family and friends, and then try division. To find out if sales are up sound. If not share its test site with different messages and without audio, so you never know if it will help or hinder your website. To make streaming audio on your site and find a wealth of information, voiceover work, accommodation, tools and more information, visit www.web http://www.web-audio- /-language commentaries. com business digital copyright All rights reserved editorial policy and Re-Print: The text of the article resource box, URLs and copyright must remain intact and unchanged. When re-published on the Internet, all links are live hyperlinks. This article can not be distributed in any way that does not meet federal guidelines for communication. This article should not be password protected or restricted to members or to pay only for display. This article will be free. These policies should not be included when they come back to the publication of this article.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Get Personal by Adding Your Voice to Your Site

Many customers in the business world is online about shopping online for one reason: they are either too late to go to stores, are not as many people, in May or they simply want to buy in the comfort of your home. Whatever the reason for May, we can conclude that they are not in a store, but is in place. Just because your business is online does not mean that you ca not business so that for a typical store. Compare your site to a clothing store in an email, for example. When the customer enters a sales representative normally at the door and asked for help. A site not normally, but you can if you want. Burn an audio clip that includes not only a sales pitch and introduction but also a site map that contains important parts of the site. Not only did you personally with your customers, are also pointing in the direction of your product. Here are some tips to keep in mind about audio clips: # 1 - Make sure you can disable There is nothing worse than listening to some of drones on how they have made enormous sums money, and you too! If you include audio with your site, make sure to include a stop button. One might think that sales location is interesting and informative, but the client may not. May you also want to play again to choose a loser, so be sure to include a play button as well. # 2 - Take a picture that is perhaps just another reason to watch television much, but when you hear the sound, we want to do something. Take a picture of you and put on the new button and stop playing. Add a personal touch and also give people something to do with your listening. # 3 - You should not take too long people have little attention to you and your page so that it was shot in the right direction, then stop. You can always include more audio files with success elsewhere on the site. # 4 - Do not be too high, it is difficult to know how high to make your clips, but it is better to be more prudent to be high. The user can always increase the volume if you are interested. Adding a volume slider next to the game and stop buttons and below the image around its appearance. Therefore, you should have four large pieces of advice when seeking to add an audio file to your site. If you can do it yourself, add one up there, but if not around, find someone to help you. It is relatively easy and should not be too expensive. Good luck and be creative! Jeffrey Abbott is a respected author and editor of visit the region on and read comments on programs that help the AA to make money from your own home. eMoneyReport offers a simple and easy format to find articles pertaining to all types of online activities and web site promotion.

Add Audio to Your Web Site and Increase Your Sales up to 35%!

Well, you have built your site, you have traffic coming to him, a good product at a reasonable price .... Hmmm ... What are you looking for? What else can increase your conversion rate? Sound! All rights I know what you think ... Why should I go to all the trouble to add audio to my site? Because they can increase sales up to 35%! Hence. Adding streaming audio is not as difficult as you were led to believe, and do not even have to pay a monthly fee, either. You can start with his recorder (pre-installed on every computer with Windows) and the free microphone that came with your computer. Some things you can do with audio to improve your site is: * Create Your Greetings * Create Audio Testimonies tell audio * Education * New * Add Create audio files for visitors to download audio * Create * Add your articles Group music clips Teasers tempting for buyers to read stories to children * * * Song telling jokes ... * Add music as background for your web site (Tastefully - please!) This list does not stop there. Let's quickly cover a couple of points on the list and see what the benefits are. Create Audio Greetings: Well, I think it is a pleasure. Not surprisingly often guru of sounds? Or what a website that has created your favorite tool, or eBook? Adding an audio greeting is actually about the easiest way to do if you want to improve their sales. For most sites, when done tastefully, sales could jump to 35%! People more confidence in you, and the feeling that you know a little better about their votes. In addition, the enthusiasm is contagious. If you are enthusiastic about the product, or membership Ezine zone can be heard in your voice when you talk about it. So can their customers! And more importantly, their potential customers. Audio Testimonials: What can I say about this reason, but this ... and it would be more credible for you - a site with a number of written evidence or a web page where you can hear the true voice of current or former buyers to explain what are the benefits of the product? How do you know about yet written testimonials are real? Sometimes one with sound. All you need is Audacity (which is free for change for a long testimonials - in fact, it is also something as testimony of circumstances? Maybe not - and the ability of customers to send. Wav and a small image of himself. NOTE: You can get a script on Bontrager that you will accept files from your customers or you can configure one server FTP client for the increase. See other articles in this series to learn how to implement it. Piece of Cake! There are two other steps to add sound to your site, but I want to do that in other parts of this series of articles. Create an e-Audio reviews: Have you ever heard Jim Edwards I have to say Ezine? ( Or as multi-media eBook Ezine and how-to guide ePublishing Express? ( is much more convincing to hear anyone explain exactly what to do than read a dry Ezine (no offense to all the thousands of other writers Ezine where) or eBook ( ditto for you authors of electronic books) and you will learn much faster. Did you know that you just hold on 10-15% of what they say at the same time? But that ability to go up to 60% if it is heard at the same time, and fly up to 80% of a multimedia presentation. How many fewer customer service calls and e-mail if you receive customers to retain 80% of what is taught? I can tell you ... a lot! Think of all the extra time would promote your business, create new products (audio and multimedia products, of course!) From Hell, even spend more time with his family and hobbies. How much happier your customers that they were able to copy the success and completion of training, exercises, or follow your direction? Again - a lot! How many of your customers to buy other products if they do not teach or assist in their first product? I think you can see where I'm going with this ... Therefore, we know that you know how important it is for sound, how do you start? The first thing we can do is go to and sign up for free Ecourse its Council and a new tip every three days on creative audio uses. This is a good start:) Remember to his degree? Here are some other free resources for you all eBook Ezine and authors to get started: (Some long broken links) Microsoft: (free) and you can also access a variety of free add-ons, tools , Training, and when you go to the section of the media on the Microsoft Web site. View Media Player V.9: (free) Here, you can update Media Player 9 (To store all your audio files that you have made easy Access audio-library), which is free. Media Player 9 is the Media Player to listen to streaming audio with Real Player, which is also free. There are a number of add-ons for the program, mainly sought to convert MP3 files into smaller WMA files and save space on your computer. (This is a teaser, probably in an attempt to buy the entire Plus! Collection, but you must not!). Http: / / / plus visits to learn more about Plus! if you believe that, in addition to the conversion of sound, May you want to let children play with Media Player too. :) Remember that all the extra time that families will have, because you do not have hardly any problems with customer service? Real (free) Get Real Audio player base that allows you to play Real Audio format files. A large amount of online content is in this format. Remember, if you add Real Audio to your site to obtain the release of producer that converts other types of audio files (> Y. WAV, MP3, for example) Real Audio files for download, streaming , Etc. Producer Basic (Free): Http: / / / products / producer / basic.html Stream from your computer or server (about early warning!) You can use the free Helix server base . Helix Server Basic (free): also use PresenterOne free to add audio and video in PowerPoint presentations and flows of your site! (home) and the free version can be found at: DEX. html (approx. 20 MB) because it requires manufacturers (Real Audio product with a free version see above) are included in the installation. Therefore, if you think about improving your PowerPoint slides and you want to download this, there is no need to download separately from the manufacturers. SHOUTcast: (free) Create your own radio station free. And, of course, a link to the website of radio and television training and education in its niche subject. Free registration and without pollution. Live365: (required) You can also create your own radio station from only $ 7/month. Pirate Radio: (required) Acquisition of software for $ 29 fee had this problem for about 1 / 2 hours. Keep your eyes peeled for more audio / video / multimedia, articles in this series. Let's talk about different types of sound files, interviews, training clips and add audio testimonials on your site, and more. :) While we have made will be an audio / video master! Techies Teri performance is occupied Web master for Free Tree Publishing, publisher of The Express-ePublishing Ezine and teachers who do eBook Ezine with the release screenshots and videos! also the author of Easy Audio Site! on your Easy its tutorial! e-manual comes with 15 videos can be found. Add audio to your site in about an hour!

Teleseminars, Audio Downloads, Podcasts: Listen Up So You?ll Learn and Earn More

Internet marketing audio love. </ B> You not to blame. They used to spend weeks or months writing a book electronically have something to sell. Now, choose a hot topic, interview an expert for a couple of hours of the recorder is switched on, and Bam! I have a hot new product information. The target audience for these products also seem to love the sound. It is certainly faster than reading a book. Because they can happen quickly, information can be more timely. One day in late summer 2005, Google changed how it classifies AdWords. The same night, a telecommunications seminar on the subject has attracted thousands of listeners. Great audio is
Except in the case of a problem
Audio seems to be half perfect for learning and communication, except for one thing. Many people do not know how to listen. It is not the kind of listening you need to do if you learn something. Check with participants in a seminar telecommunications ends and say they have learned many things. Ask a few days later, and most report that I forgot what they learned. It applies regardless of whether it is a seminar, a podcast, or even download audio. Even when they file, most people do not hear more than once. Listen and learn to keep actually is a skill that must be developed. It is not difficult. You just have to learn a few things. When will you be able to take on the most important parts of what he hears. Remember new knowledge so that they can use for its own operations and marketing efforts. You start to listen and learn to earn more.
5 Tips to improve their listening skills so you can get more information
. </ B> Dar before thinking about what he is talking about. Find out what he knows and he does not know about. So when the show begins, you are ready to return to areas that do not know much. Download and review all documents submitted in advance. If you have time, will search for material related to the exploration and online for more information.
Focus. </ B> When it starts, concentrate. This is not as easy as it sounds. Our minds think 4 times faster than a lecturer interviews. That is why it is so easy to find wandering while listening. Three-quarters of the time, your mind is twiddling tomlene is virtual! You only have to keep their attention on the subject. Also, be sure to avoid distractions. Instead of entering a mobile phone, using a headset or speakerphone. If you participate in a seminar, be sure to sit where you can clearly see and hear.
Find your goal. </ B> Determine both before and during the presentation that makes it important for you. It is necessary to have an end? concrete, living right. WO you do not have much motivation to play without one. If it turns out not to find the end, stop listening. Go to all those who use their time more effectively.
look for patterns. </ B> See the characteristics of the body in what is said. It will help you remember the important points. Patterns are easier to remember than isolated actions. For example, how does it start and end of each article? With a brief summary of the main idea? What about the details or examples? They used to make a few points? You can easily see the relationship between the points? It is likely that you will find more body in speeches and presentations seminar teleconference, including interviews. Nevertheless, presentations, almost always start with an idea of structure, even when drift off course. Done its best to find it.
take notes. </ B> It is true what they said at school. Take notes improvement listen and remember. When taking notes, but does not exceed or be a distraction. Related to the structure and patterns you find. Everything is not as important. Be selective. Think of your notes in the form of assessment. The only thing that really helps to remember is that almost no one: the review notes after the presentation and in the future.
While you listen and learn and gain more
Listen to learn a skill to develop. You saw five tips to help you. If you want to be able to better remember what you hear on the teleseminars, audio and podcasts. Remember new knowledge so that they can use for its own operations and marketing efforts. You begin to listen and learn and earn more. A Ronald Murphy is a copy writer and graphic designer specializing in Internet and direct response marketing. Murphy says sales and designs of letters, packages of direct mail, inserts, websites, direct marketing by e-mail newsletters for marketing, Internet articles, white papers and Other targeted sales documents. It provides clients with skills for the economy, business, technology, health, fundraising and procurement opportunities. For more information on writing and marketing, visit their website at http: / / You can not subscribe to his newsletter, RA Murphy writing and design. You can also read Murphy's blog writing and design for the Internet and direct marketing Copyright 2005 Ronald A Murphy. Permission to reproduce this article in any form is free, provided the text and table of this credit will be maintained as is, without modifications.

7 Ways to Use Website Audio in Your Marketing Arsenal

Most visitors to your site is to use a computer with audio capabilities. Recently introduced techniques make it easier to take advantage of this capability. In the past, web audio was primarily decorative, consisting of brass band music or click? D sound effects. Now you can use audio to multiply the effect of his message and build closer ties with their visitors. Its power comes from its ability to participate more than their sense of visitors. Other ways to participate, the easier it is to communicate effectively. Rather than read his words and see the image of it, talk to your voice? and the voice of their customers. The flow of sound can be seen by comparing the newspaper column version of Tom and Ray Magliozzi Car Talk requests to be sent each week on National Public Radio. Although the column and radio address the same subjects, is much more fun to watch cars Talk? where you can experience Tom and Ray in nations and phrasing? reading the same words. These are some of the ways you can use audio on your website: - Welcoming messages. You can create closer emotional bonds with website visitors by personally welcoming to your site and the introduction of certain characteristics that must be explored. - Testimonials. Audio testimonials are far more powerful than the written testimony, especially if you take a picture of the speaker's testimony. The next best thing to a face-to-face reference is the registration of a client explaining their satisfaction with the product in their own words. - Security. The degree of satisfaction are guaranteed to have an impact when delivered in his own voice. Place your order at the point of sale. People are naturally cautious about ordering products and services on the Internet. Make sure that your personal data and credit card information is safe with you. - Seminars and teleconferences. Short on upcoming events can make the event even more attractive. Fragments of the past seminars can whet the appetite for more visitors. - Tips. Add interest to your site describing a sound Tip of the Day or the tip of the week with their own words. Make sure to provide access to previous advice, too. - Audio postcards. You can include audio calls and testimonials as links in e-mail sent to customers and prospects. To arrange an audio testimonial, simply provide your customer a phone number and password, and invite them to speak and express their satisfaction with their purchase from you. Audio card is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and prospects with an announcement that a product or service. They are also a quick method to recognize a special occasion. - Streaming audio can be used to allow visitors to play several events, like seminars or teleconferences. When you add audio to your site, allows users to maintain control. Do not start reading your message when you load the page. Instead, invite visitors to click to hear his voice. Keep your messages short and concise as possible. And avoid script of your introduction and guarantees. Note the key ideas you want to communicate, but deliver in his own words as conversationally as possible. Web audio is no longer a futuristic luxury. Web audio is here and now is as close to their phones. It is a cheap and easily added can provide, apart from the competition and help communicate his message with more impact. Roger C. Parker knows the secrets of promoting your business on a single page. Discover the easy way to stay in constant contact with its customers, while saving time and money. Visit three reports for free.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Ten Commandments To Creating Amazing Audio Products

1.Thou audio to create products that the fastest way to get out with a product. Forget e-books. They take the time to build, especially if you're a typist slooooow. You can create an audio book during a day instead of weeks or months with an e-book. If you need to create an e-book, the first son, and a few bere transcribe sound files in Word. You clean it and add some chapter heads and an index and Bam! You have an e-book 2.Thou must use a hands-free microphone for recording. I find that using a headset is much more flexible than a microphone. A microphone headset allows you freedom to move around your head and you do not feel limited as it is placed in front of a microphone table. 3.Thou not afraid to record your voice. Many people hate the way they sound on tape (me included), they feel they can not perceive a biological product. The first time you hear on the tape that was about to die. We really need to practice to speak correctly. You get the terrible Uh and Um syndrome and the monotone voice virus but take heart? You can do it. Slow down and focus on what to say and do the changes of emphasis and tone of voice. Bottom line? Add a little personality. I'll admit that I am not a professional speaker? It takes practice and it is better. Here are some books that you May want to see: The quick and easy way for effective use of the word, Dale Carnegie secret of the success of speakers: How do you motivate, Captivate, and persuaded the Lilly Walters is 4.Thou intro, and add good music Outro If you want to add a professional touch to products, you must add the introduction and Outro music. You know that music is of course at the beginning of the audio just before someone starts the introduction. You can make this area to try: a few demos. 5.Thou use different audio formats your product info, a couple of ways to create an audio product is to interview someone on the phone and save it or simply make a jaw session of their own. To keep things simple when I play on my own behalf, I write a few things to use as a memory jog to keep me on track during recording sessions. In addition, using computer programs that allow you to pause, if you get your thoughts together and start writing without jumping. 6.Thou use different listening formats for audio product. When the distribution of its sons who had different sizes to choose. You can use. Wav,. Mp3,. Ram. Wave files take up more space and pigs are megabytes. Mp3 and RAM (Real Player files) to have less space and is good for streaming audio on the Web. If you are distributing audio CD is better to use wav. This way you can listen to a CD player. Here's a little warning when recording sound projects. Please note that you have space on your hard disk. Two hours of recording session will take up to 1.3 GB of space in wav. I like to record and edit in smaller intervals and burn to a CD-RW just to get my hard drive. 7.Thou cheap to use resources for sound. I have all my bubble pack shippers and CD cases outside of eBay. They have a front door. I have my CD is duplicated in because they can carry small quantities of 50 I would not get more until he knows he has a winner. 8.Thou will be fun to create audio products to say they really enjoy the creative process and it is really clean when you register a product, and can play and listen again to one minute. You have the feeling that this thing is really coming together. And when you add music to really get a sense of satisfaction. Creating audio is really instant gratification when it comes to creating information products. I love it? At the time of writing, I work with my wife in a product, and I am his interview, and we have a blast. She makes mistakes, and I do and just sit there and laugh. My wife UH and UM syndrome, as they try to do it heal? But the fact is that we have a good time. Tip: Use a splitter to add two microphones to my computer. You must increase the volume to normalize. 9.Thou must build an empire of good information, if you really want to get a shot in the information product business is the easiest and most enjoyable way to do it. As fast as you can save and edit these things, the sooner you can turn and start to make a little money. The CD and audio cassettes have greater value and you can get more for them while on the sale of an e-book. 10.Thou must learn to use software for audio. The software can be expensive. Many gurus recommend Sounforge but I prefer a program called plasma Cake Walk. This software is half the price of SoundForge and is very versatile. Well, here you have one. Some good advice to start building your audio empire. Good record, John Kiel (c) 2005 John Kiel If you want to take a shortcut and I want to take the hand and show him all the tricks to record audio, add audio to the Internet, and save telephone conversations then my new video and audio training course is for you. I throw in 5 programs to start your business and audio at a price that is not now believe.Go

Jingles - What Constitutes A Successful Jingle Campaign?

What constitutes a good campaign jingle? In this article we will examine and listen to 4 successful jingle campaigns and look for key ingredients to success. Campaign jingle 1, Mr. Chau 's Chinese Fast Food: This Radio & TV musical identity has been the cornerstone of Mr. Chau campaign since 1996 and is still a success. In this range from the time was 6 to 22 regional areas. We were asked to find a creative and fun way to reach by the Board of Directors of the population (including children), with most of its full menu as possible in the: 60 radio spot. We decided that the scope of Mr Chau menu need to be creative with the variety reflects so many personalities and singers, and put together in a tempo musical track punctuated with drum sticks. Click or paste the above link to listen. 2nd campaign is a: 60 radio and television jingles for the Northern California Marine Association of Fairs boats in the bay area of San Francisco, Sacramento and San Jose, California. They were for a A35-64 demo but also wanted to appeal to children. We chose reggae music as a fun and lyrics with great voice to sell the boat lifestyle. The campaign is relatively new, but it is a success. Click on the link below to hear the jingle Only in a boat : <a target = _New href = http:// www / audio/NCMA.mp3. / audio/NCMA.mp3 Campaign 3 is a national: 30 TV spot (with jingle) that he wrote and produced for DAB (Low Carb) Beer. They wanted a specific female audience 25-34 with this low-carb offerings. They have asked us to create something that was a cross between music Bengali and Sheryl Crow. Again, this was a successful campaign for them. Take a DAB on the link below: <a target = _New href = http:// DAB. mp3 Campaign 4, Petaluma Auto Plaza has a huge electronic sign on Highway 101 in Northern California found that the centerpiece of his campaign. We decided to put on the map by writing a jingle in a style the Gospel: I saw the sign of Petaluma and indicated that the gospel diva Jeannie Tracy (Whitney Houston of the band) to sing. <a target = _New href = To make a successful campaign jingle branding which will reduce congestion through a jingle / music production company must be willing to travel long distances to ensure that the position of its products (or business), especially in the consciousness of Public creativity and integrity. We spare no expense to make the best creative and musical talent to shine our clients on the air. You should expect the same from other companies you choose to work with. Do not pay for less. Barry Volk is a former producer / composer staff of the ABC, MCA and Screen Gems-EMI Music Publishing, 20th Century Fox only artist, music director of West Coast Theater Company and National Director of Marketing for Metro Networks / Westwood One. His music production company, Barry Volk Sound Advantage http:// develops and produces jingles and custom musical productions for radio and television in the world Advertisers in the small country.

Adding Streaming Audio to Your Website

Adding streaming audio on your site can help you improve the message you send to your customers and can serve as a wonderful confidence-building tool. In the past, audio was used primarily as a decorative effect, but advances in technology and growth of Internet use by consumers have it easy to add streaming audio on your website and create a personal relationship with their customers. You can also add streaming audio on your blog or newsletter a personal touch that keeps the interest of their readers and subscribers. Streaming audio can be used in messages of welcome on the homepage of its website. Adding a welcome message to their readers and explain some of the features you can explore on your site is an excellent way to improve the customer experience. May you also want to add streaming audio on your site in the form of testimonials from satisfied customers. Most users have the opportunity to listen to audio messages, and it is a refreshing change monotonous text that may or may not hold their interest. His newsletter or blog will benefit from the use of streaming audio as well. You can add a new tips in the form of audio each day on your blog or audio updates in its newsletter. Adding streaming audio on your website, newsletters, blogs, or is more and more frivolous. It is not difficult or expensive to add audio to your site and you find that customers appreciate this new feature. The audio content should be conversational and pleasant, and sound as natural as possible. You can write articles and items you want to cover in his message streaming audio, but record your message as if you talk to your friends and family. Adding streaming audio on your site, blog or newsletter is the perfect way to give customers a personal message that will give them confidence in their honesty and integrity. For more valuable resource to develop a successful business on its head today!

Streaming Audio Recorders

1. i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder 6.x - For sale Sound Recorder turn your computer to complete his studio audio engineers. You can save data from internal or external source MP3, OGG, WMA, APE, WAV format sound file directly without any hard disk space. Depending VOX software can be an ideal solution to scan automatically LPS and cassettes. 2.Handy MP3 Recorder 4.0 - Sales Handy MP3 Recorder is an award-winning high-quality sound recording software for Windows. Allows you to capture the audio from your PC to MP3 or WAV quickly and easily! Using Handy MP3 Recorder can record sounds from MIDI, Internet broadcasts, streaming and microphone. 3. Easy MP3 Recorder 3.6 - Sales Easy Easy MP3 Recorder MP3 recorder can record audio to play through the sound card and other audio sources such as microwave, video, audio player cassettes, etc. You can use to get sound, including music, dialogs from movies, games and sounds to your local computer or the Internet. Taken sounds can be saved in WAV or MP3, using real-time conversion (without creating temporary files). The software offers direct support for RealPlayer, Winamp, Windows Media Player, Power DVD, Flash, Quick Time and many others. 4. On the recording 3.99 - For sale Wizard of its software recording is a sound recorder, offering professional recording features with MP3 support. The sound recorder is designed to work directly with your sound card, so you can save almost all audio from your sound card as almost perfect. So you can record audio from a microphone, line-in, and almost all other software (such as Winamp, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player). On the sound recording can also record directly to MP3 format if you want to save precious disk space. Ron Brown sells software for recording audio

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales

Designed to add sound on the site yet? You should. While large copy done a good job of selling their services and products, audio amplify the impact of his words. Audio gives you a more personal relationship with visitors to its Web site. Social psychologists tell us that man is more likely to trust you if they can see and hear you. And the outlook is more likely to buy those who think they know, like, and trust. Therefore, we will explore how you can build that instant connection with potential customers.
What can you do with audio
There are endless possibilities of what can be done with audio on Web sites and e-mail, but here are seven ideas to start easy.
1 His salvation at home to visitors. </ B>
Welcome for the first time visitors to our Web site its own voice. It is a warmer than the text alone.
2 Create a series of lessons on audio. </ B> Audio
learning is hot! Teach the audience with her voice instead of just words on the page. Consider the development of a series of mini-audio lessons for potential customers. Share your
3 Interviews
If you do not have a clip and interviews, ask a friend or colleague to undertake a short, dynamic interview with you on the phone. Register and publish them on our website. Or create a series of interviews with other experts in their fields and put in place to be heard.
4 Trials of teleseminars. </ B>
For more free subscriptions and / or paid teleseminars? Then start to register. Remove the post and highlights free video clips on our website.
5 To exploit their testimony. </ B>
You probably already have customer testimonials on your site. Now strengthen their influence with sound. Did you enroll your clients in their testimony of their own voice, and put them on a web page with names and photos.
6 Make your e-mail and E-zines Talk. </ B>
life to your email address to talk with potential customers, subscribers and customers. Members lists feel like you're there with them. (And remember, is that the personal connection that encourages people to hire you or buy products.) Be the first in its industry to do this, and look at the numbers for you!
7 Postcards audio
your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays or other special occasions by sending an e-mail postcard accompanied by a recorded message personally.
So, what is the easiest way for the post-Audio
in the past, add sound to the place it is not easy. You must spend hours learning or do it yourself or hire someone to make and receive for you. That's why I've never been interested in his foreword. I can be E-Zine Dame, but Techies'm not a queen. In fact, my VCR still blinks 12:00 ... 12:00 ... 12:00. Here's the good news: There is a new fact that
registration and publication of his ridiculously easy
. Audio Generator is called, was created by Armand Morin, the same man who created the Pop generator and a number of other innovative generation of products. I registered immediately after making his debut on this seminar by System 3 in Ohio, a few weeks ago. Here is an example of how easy Audio Generator is this: Suppose you want to add a sound salvation of your site in the afternoon. Just call audio generator of the so-called free line and record your message. So when you hang up the phone, go to the site. Ta da ... the message is ready and waiting, with a line of HTML code you can copy and paste into your website. That's it! Even better, you can
an unlimited number of times
and full
on your site (or several fields). You can also download digital audio
up to 30 minutes
, I'll do for samples of my teleclasses. Click here to get the whole story and see (and hear) E-zine Queen's audio recommendation on the sound generator.
Remember, it's personal relationship is important
Take time today to reflect on what we can do with audio on your site and e-mail to strengthen cooperation with their visitors. Then select at least one tactic to implement this month. May it be the best he has done in its online this year. (c) 2003 Alexandria K. Brown on the author Alexandria K. Brown, The E-zine Queen , is the author of the award-winning manual, Improving business with its own e-zine . For more information about his book and sign up for free for more tips like these, you can visit their homepage at onMouseOver = window.status = ' Return true onMouseOut = window.status =''; return true;

Seven Ways to Warm Your Prospects Using Website Audio

Gone are the days when putting audio on the site is to bring visitors to their Gaudy musical fanfare and different Click? D sound effects. Fortunately, audio has now become much more sophisticated and new techniques that allow streaming audio has been possible to use your own voice as an effective marketing tool. Most visitors to your site with computers have the potential noise. With their own voice, can you elaborate on the impact of the sales message and develop a stronger relationship with their visitors. Many sites use streaming audio to promote and sell services claim that audio increases their conversion by nearly 300%! Why is sound in such a powerful marketing tool? It is very simple. It is well known in the psychology of consumers who feel more comfortable, the easier it is to communicate a message and motivate a sale. Senses evoke feelings and emotions are memorable. When it comes to surfing the Internet, sense of hearing is much stronger than the sense of sight. Customers remember that 20% of what they read, but I remember an incredible 70% of what they hear. Visitors can meet your voice so that it can not be achieved by words, no matter how big is your copy. Its power comes from its ability to reinforce his message for a commitment for even the most powerful sense. You will find below are some of the most effective ways to use streaming audio on its website: Introduction: The use of streaming audio for you, your website and some of the most important products or services for users. To do this, remove some of the anonymity of the Web experience and helps build trust between you and your point of view. Witnesses: There is evidence that the testimonies which include a picture appears more credible to the public with only the text. Statements that contain text, image and audio note is the best thing to having satisfied customers call your visitors and tell them personally how are your products! Warranty: Location of audio on our website, for example, end notes, or links to pay, is a great way to reassure visitors about common interests. Streaming audio can be used to explain the payment process, security issues, merchant account information and other concerns have visitors in May compared to our Web site. Instructions: Streaming audio buttons, you can quickly give directions to visitors. A good example of this can be found at An audio note that explains exactly what it takes to the success of the submission supports each step of sending the article! Tip: More than 80% of Internet users click on the link that offers advice? Why? Because they know that there is an end of a short piece of useful information. Reading a tip is not that reading a manual. It is an opportunity to get information quickly. Provide a good end to the site each day, and you find people around do not have enough for this player, press the button! The teleconference and Seminars: Streaming audio is a great way to give your visitors with the reading of seminars and teleconferences. Thank you: Create an audio message to send e-mails every time a client or prospect buys your product or service. Recognizing the purchase personally is a great way to create customer loyalty and increase sales of repetitions. Finally, a word carefully! The sound is a powerful tool when used responsibly. Do not hit the visitors with audio as soon as it arrives at your site. You never know where people have access or other type of sound that can run on their computers. I read about visitors being really annoyed by audio that played without invitation because he was listening to the CD, or were sitting in their workplace. It is important that users control the sound. A simple invitation to click is all it takes. You'll be surprised at the number of people are motivated by curiosity and will feel compelled to click the play button. They also had time to prepare his message. Try to animate your voice and inject personality into your message by being rather than formal conversation. Most important of all, be safe and be yourself! May this article be reproduced in its entirety only if the state resources and the box is included. Tracey Meagher is the founder of, a website that reviews all the latest tools and resources available to add sound to your Web page. Visit receive free audio resources that will help you add audio to your website in less than 60 minutes!

Five Tips to Become a Soundbite Genius

1. Speaking at the Sound Bite in the world. Getting key phrases of concepts and ideas with clarity is essential for all communications. In practice, fun trying to shave any foreign details during the conversation in everyday life. In Errol Morris film * Fog of war * Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, said: * Do not answer the question is asked. To answer the question you asked .* Begin to train you to speak only of what other people want to listen. This gives you the opportunity to experience you who is the essence of good media. 2. To answer the question with his first interview Sermonette. In an interview in 1989 on NPR show Fresh Air veteran television journalist David Brinkley said, * Everyone of them [customers] will arrive in the studio with a few small Sermonette in mind, and determined to deliver it. This is something I need to do is to be a dull, boring question like, what do you think about it. And they delivered their Sermonette shortly. And when we arrived at the base of what we're here to talk about .* Your first and last points have the greatest impact to plan and execute its Sermoneta whatever their request. 3. The framework of his ideas to the public. Jennifer O'Neill, a film producer and director, explained that when filming scenes of substance (b-roll), using a technique called land .* * * * A floor of the aircraft must stop definitively on an object or a scene indicates that the segment is over. I suggest that probably also used images from the opening of the land * * form or the beginning of how we wanted a viewer to receive the scene. In this way, you guide the public stage, or material that you want to focus on. You can use the same concept of Sound Bite. His first words to lay the foundation for what you want to spend his last words to the end, how you want the public to remember what I said. Use your opening and closing statements to anchor your audience to the information you want to achieve. This way you silent mode of thinking on the product, service or cause. 4. Telling people what to do. I like the mystery, but this is not the right place for her. Do not leave your audience guessing. To be honest about the action to take them know why your product or service is necessary to have a happy life and now. What difference does fill you offer? Be direct in this clarification if there is no doubt. 5. Live his words. In point of clarity and vision. Latvian violinist Gidon Kremer said of Astor Piazzolla, the composer of music * I do not think [music] still on Beautification. I do not think we can all speak with reason, that drag on the surface of the music appropriate. This music is not the fact is meant to be lived. And I always possible to distinguish whether a person is flirting with Piazzolla as part of our industry, or if someone really live their lives or the pulse of the music of this great composer .* It's the same with you and with your Sound Bite. Do you live in the heart of what you say, is happening? If not, we learned of the false notes, your commercial intent. If so, we know that, at a time when music is present. Learn to use any interview at any time on any topic, get your business, book, or lead to the publication and notoriety, as provided in this class telecommunications Sound Bite. target = _New Copyright (c) 2004 Harrow Susan. All rights reserved. You have permission to publish this article in its entirety online, print, in its electronic book, or on its Web site free, as long as there are changes in content, and this is my signature law copyright rights, and the box of resources. Please notify me of publication by sending a mail message that contains a copy of its publication to: target = mailto _New: Thank you! About the author Copyright (c) 2004 Susan Harrow. All rights reserved. Susan Harrow is a leading media coach, marketing strategist and author of Sell your soul UNSOLD * (HarperCollins) * The latest guide on Oprah Last reserved, * * and how you can get a 6-Figure Advance. * Clients include Fortune 500 CEOs, millionaires, best-selling authors and successful entrepreneurs who have appeared on Oprah, 60 minutes, NPR, and time, U. S. Today, Parade, People, O, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Inc

Recording Voice or Instruments

A graduate student in Belfast wrote to me on a project that I did. It is an inter-active CD sent Tin Whistle. It is clear, here is another program that record directly to WAV. and forget about MIDI. format. He wanted an authentic audio and MIDI. Ever. You can move if it is used more closely the right sound card or plug-ins, and I want to go into more detail later in the writings on noon. If you play an instrument or sing, you want to record directly to WAV. The procedure is roughly the same as when recording a tape or LP The key here is to use a high quality microphone. Connect the microphone to the microphone input on your sound card, which will be one with the image of a microphone in this regard. Software for your sound card, (accessories test, if your computer with a sound card) and select the microphone input on the menu of options or files. You're done. If you have a good sound card, it was May with a few other features that are useful; If you have a mixer, to determine their level of contribution, and therefore do not fall into the red. It is important to remove the cut to burn. Insurance is a distortion of sound unpleasant to be too high. In addition, the May sound card came with the effects of transformation. These effects must be used on the fly. This means that it is used at the same time saving rather be used for recording later. Do not be alarmed by this. They are easy to use and fun. Most probably, you must use some of these effects, if you want a more professional sound recording. Find impact on the software for your sound card. This is usually only available in what is called regimes. This means it has been created for you and given a name, choral singing. Chorus is often used a voice. When the voice rich sing in the shower sound. Reverb and delays are also used to extend the range of tone. Try different purposes and chose to believe it sounds better and burn with it. Cases may also give you the opportunity to mix your own purposes. This requires only a little more trial and error, but it can be very funny and worth. If you really want to have a good faith an instrument popular, they probably have no effect at all. Brian is a graduate of the Peabody School of Music. He played in many groups, was the lead singer of the Jabberwocky and played in the Coach House in San Clemente at the opening of Hunter S. Thompson. Listen to his music

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Audio Websites -- Web Developers: Make Money Now

Are you a Web site for developers working to establish a long-term relationship with the Internet content provider that can earn money in the long run both for you? Have you considered an expert on site to provide audio content - for webcasting and podcasting? Learning to make the Web audio and how to deal with this area can be the key to making money via the Internet. It is difficult to pick up a newspaper on the Web today without reaching an article on the growing use of background audio content on websites. Webcasting and podcasting is the rage. These sites can make money through banner ads, you can click directly, and paid for downloading audio content. A Web-based May, for example, in real time a talk-radio show or an interview. It May also contain archived documents, as in the past, even book-cassette, and so on. A web site developers can team up with the audio content provider, with the help of cost and revenue sharing, so that the company is mutually beneficial. The success of such a task May be higher for using low-cost audio. For example, the sound might consist largely of streaming or taped conversation on the hot topic in international affairs, national politics, economics, trends and issues in changing the culture, traditions and expressions religious. The probability of success can also be bigger if the format to the same co-hosts, on the occasion guest, who co-organisers are well, well, with a sense of humour, but is often on side opposed to the question under discussion. The spark of life attracts visitors. And believe me, this is the audio content of demand audio ready for the team with the right Web Developer. I know because I am co-host of the U.S. Virgin Islands Broadcasting and now based Talk Radio program known as Iceland on with my co-host Randall Scott Johns. We are ready to go online conversation live streaming and archived shows. There must be others there too, ready to give you what you need. So, to prepare for the future, for the future is now. Few words that you know how to do it and you're ready to develop a high quality product. Under the future, and have fun doing so. Ned Jacobs is a lawyer in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, and can be viewed on or 7 Church Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00820, 340 - 773-3322 , Fax: 340-773-2566.

The Ten Commandments To Creating Amazing Audio Products

1.Thou create audio products as the fastest way to get out with a product. Forget e-books. They take time to build, especially if you are a typist slooooow. You can make a product sound in a single day instead of weeks or months of an e-book. If you need to create an e-book provides a sound first, and a few transcribing audio into a Word file. You clean it and add to the chapter head, and an index and Bam! You have an e-book 2.Thou with a microphone for recording. I think that by using a headset is much more flexible than a microphone. A microphone headset gives you the freedom to move around his head, and you do not feel limited insofar as it is placed in front of a microphone table. 3.Thou not be afraid to register your vote. Many people hate the way they on the soundtrack (including me) and feel they can not develop a biological product. The first time you hear on the tape was that I was going to die. It occurs to speak properly. You get off Uh, and fears Um syndrome and monotone voice of the virus, but take heart? What can you do. Slow down and focus on what they say and interfere with emphasis and tone of his voice. In a word? Add a little personality. I will admit that I am not a professional speaker? It takes practice and get better. Here are some books you want to leave before May: fast and easy to talk effectively Dale Carnegie secrets of success Speakers: How you can motivate, Captivate, and persuade Lilly Walters 4.Thou must add the intro and outro of good music, if you really want to add a professional polish their products, we must add the intro and outro music. You know that good music that is heard at the beginning of his just before someone starts the introduction. You can make this area a try: for several demos. 5.Thou use different audio formats for its product info a couple of ways to create an audio product is to interview a person on the phone and save it, or simply make a simple jaw session of their own. To keep things simple when I recorded on my own, I write a few points to be used as corridors of memory to keep track during the recording sessions. In addition, when using the computer program that allows you to stop, so you can get your thoughts together and then start the process without registering a jump. 6.Thou use different formats to hear the sound of their product. At the publication of his audios which have different sizes to choose from. You can use. Waves,. MP3,. Carnero files. Files wave occupy a larger space in megabytes, and pigs. MP3 and RAM (Real Player files) to take the minimum amount of space and is good for streaming audio on the Web. If you are distributing CD-audio to what is preferable to use the wav. In this way, you can listen to any CD player. Here is a short notice when the sound recording. Please note that you have space on your hard drive. Two hours of recording session will take up to 1.3 gigabytes of space wav. I love to write and edit in smaller intervals and burn them onto a CD-RW only to get off my drive. 7.Thou financial resources used for audio. I give all my bubble pack chargers and CD cases outside of eBay. They have a good offer. -- I get my CD in duplicates, as they can carry small quantities of 50. Otherwise, we would not get anything done before you know you have a winner. 8.Thou be fun to create audio products that I have to say I love the creative process and it is to give a new meaning when you sign a product and can read and listen on the fly. You get the feeling that this thing is really meeting. And when you add the music you really have a sense of satisfaction. Creating audio is really instant gratification when it comes to creating information. I love it? At the time of this writing, I work with my wife on a product and I interview and make her an explosion. She made mistakes and make them and stand idly by and laugh. My wife and UH UM syndrome, so we are trying to get it healed? But the fact is that we have a good time. Tip: Use a brand to add to two microphones to my computer. You must increase the volume to be normalized. 9.Thou need to build an empire of audio information, if you really want to get a shot in the business of information products are easier and more pleasant way of doing so. As fast as you can save and change these things can quickly turn off and begin to make a little money. The CD and audio tapes have greater value and can get more of them after selling only an e-book. 10.Thou must learn to use the software for audio. The software can be expensive. Most gurus recommend Sounforge but I prefer a program called Cakewalk plasma. This software is half the price of SoundForge and is very versatile. Well, it's here. Some good advice so that it can begin to build his empire of sound. Happy recording, John Kiel (c) 2005 John Kiel, if you want to take a shortcut and I want to take by the hand and shows you all the tricks to record audio, add audio on the Internet, and registration telephone conversations and then my new video and audio training course is for you. I even fired a 5-software to begin its operations and at a price which is not now believe.Go

Audio Websites -- Web Developers: Make Money Now

Are you a Web site for developers working to establish a long-term relationship with the Internet content provider that can earn money in the long run both for you? Have you considered an expert on site to provide audio content - for webcasting and podcasting? Learning to make the Web audio and how to deal with this area can be the key to making money via the Internet. It is difficult to pick up a newspaper on the Web today without reaching an article on the growing use of background audio content on websites. Webcasting and podcasting is the rage. These sites can make money through banner ads, you can click directly, and paid for downloading audio content. A Web-based May, for example, in real time a talk-radio show or an interview. It May also contain archived documents, as in the past, even book-cassette, and so on. A web site developers can team up with the audio content provider, with the help of cost and revenue sharing, so that the company is mutually beneficial. The success of such a task May be higher for using low-cost audio. For example, the sound might consist largely of streaming or taped conversation on the hot topic in international affairs, national politics, economics, trends and issues in changing the culture, traditions and expressions religious. The probability of success can also be bigger if the format to the same co-hosts, on the occasion guest, who co-organisers are well, well, with a sense of humour, but is often on side opposed to the question under discussion. The spark of life attracts visitors. And believe me, this is the audio content of demand audio ready for the team with the right Web Developer. I know because I am co-host of the U.S. Virgin Islands Broadcasting and now based Talk Radio program known as Iceland on with my co-host Randall Scott Johns. We are ready to go online conversation live streaming and archived shows. There must be others there too, ready to give you what you need. So, to prepare for the future, for the future is now. Few words that you know how to do it and you're ready to develop a high quality product. Under the future, and have fun doing so. Ned Jacobs is a lawyer in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, and can be viewed on or 7 Church Street, Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands 00820, 340 - 773-3322 , Fax: 340-773-2566.

Why I Hate Flash Audio and What I Did About It

I love the words sound. I have been listening to seminars, conferences and books on tape for years. I downloaded. Teleseminar lost has been signed? Simply download the MP3 (or Real Media or Windows Media or QuickTime) and the file is almost as good as - perhaps better. But I do not like streaming audio of the type that you can not find the download, and I think the new trend of using Macromedia Flash to provide audio clips on the Web particularly irritating. Why? Because I do not want to sit in front of my computer screen to hear anything. The only time I could do, it would be if I had to take notes, or if the recording was a set of instructions on how to do anything with a computer program. When I'm on my computer, in general, I am determined to do anything that requires concentration (as writing). I want to hear me when I am away from my computer and do something that covers my hands, but not my attention. In my case, especially when I run and when I am cooking. And if I could theoretically near my laptop on the passenger seat while I run, I am not (yet, anyway) to have an Internet connection, going 65 miles per hour. In addition, the car stereo speakers is much more than a notebook computer. The point of podcasting, after all, is to allow users to download and listen to their free time, like RSS news aggregators let you collect your blog and other news at their own convenience. The only streaming audio clips (. Carnero, and Flash) does not give you this option. Snarken and outside me. And yes, I think we realize that people want to protect their intellectual property rights and there is a reason why not to use streaming audio download. We respect. But I do not want to sell or disclose their documents. I want to listen in my time. For users of streaming audio, I ask the question: Would you rather I did not hear? Are you sure you would prefer that I lose advertising as a whole? Because this is what happens before I thought of a way Flash around the barrier. In May, I made one of my best investments in 2005 and bought $ 10 mini-stereo audio cable. You will find enclosed an end to the laptop headphone jack at one end and an audio recorder microphone port. Or I connect the other end of the cable into the microphone port on a notebook computer and record it on my computer to play on my new MP3 player. (Actually, my favorite is the recording software free program Audacity, available in versions for Windows, Mac and Linux.) Works like a charm. Now, I have access to all sorts of things that had never heard before, through a simple cable. Now all we need is a car stereo with an MP3 player built in (c) 2005 Sallie Goetsch, Author-izer Sallie Goetsch began to help others with their writing at the age of nine years. Before going into business for themselves, translated, directed, produced and are sometimes forced to act in Greek and Roman plays, and the creation of an electronic newspaper. His FileSlinger (TM) backup blogs ( was recently presented the San Francisco Chronicle. Visit on how to become a writer or can not write.

Adding Sound To Your Web Site - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Many webmasters like the idea of adding background music to their Web sites, but most turn away from making it to worry about slow loading pages and the size of files. There are many ways to add background music to your site, and some of them do not require large files to achieve professional results. We will explore different ways to add background music to your site, and the fee to find the best solution for you. 1) MIDI files, MIDI files are very small, because it uses the sound card integrated into tools for creating sounds. The problem is that most sound cards do not have all his decent start, plus two sound cards sound and, therefore, the results are very unpredictable. MIDI files, as a rule they come from one of those cheap Casio keyboards. Use MIDI background music is very likely that your site seems amateur. Want to know how to do it? Just add the line in the region. (Replace xyz with the name of the MIDI file you want!) Command automatically play the file automatically when the page is loaded. Advantages: very small, easy to implement CONS: unpredictable results, fans sounds 2) WAV files using the WAV format, you can add sound recordings to his professional activity, but the problem is that even if you use a configuration 11k / 8 bits as low quality, size of files is still very high and it will take a long time for his music charge. And the slow loading of pages is the worst thing that can happen on a site. The implementation of a WAV file on a Web page is easy. Just add the line in the HTML page. It is a new order in the loop WAV file WAV files, but not make a loop own with the integrated command. Advantages: Many levels of quality, easy to implement Cons: large files, WAV files are not buckle 3) MP3 files are highly compressed MP3 files and not take so long to load, but the problem is that MP3 on the need to maintain a distance the player, and in some cases, leading to their visitors outside their field altogether. In addition, MP3 files are not perform a loop clean. Advantages: the size of files lower quality possible Disadvantages: needs external player software, not loopable 4) Flash If you have a program that lets you create Flash files, you will have great flexibility to add sound to your site. Flash allows you to import WAV and MP3 files, and then create very small files of these sounds are loaded automatically in place. You can set the level of quality and, therefore, determines the amount that you want the file to Flash. Flash, you can also loop of short pieces of sound to create the continuity of the background music files that can be very small. But note that only imported WAV files can be disposed of Flash, MP3 files are not performing a loop clean. Advantages: greater flexibility, smaller file sizes, especially when it rings a loop CONS: You need to buy an expensive Flash software for creating Flash 5) Pre-Made Flash Loops The last thing on the market are pre Flash-configured Music Loops. These files are detected, the loop is almost endless, and most of these Flash Music Loops are only about 20k in size so that the burden almost immediately. Flash Music Loops are available at target = _new and there are currently three types of packages available in loop all sorts of styles from techno to classical music. Using these pre-built Flash files is easy. Just mount xyz.swf Flash file on your server and add a few lines of correspondents xyz.html file on your website and Presto ... his professional instant background music. Advantages: very small file size, professional-quality music CONS: Not As you can see, there are many ways to add background music to their Web pages without having to worry about slow loading pages if you want to have the proper file format. (c) 2004 Alan Stewart About the author of the article by Alan Stewart, a professional recording engineer and producer who has worked with numerous Grammy award-winning groups and musicians. (c) 2004 Alan Stewart - http:// target = _new

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Adding Streaming Audio to Your Website

Adding streaming audio on your site can help improve the message that sends to its customers and can act as a great confidence. In the past, the sound was used primarily as a decorative effect, but advances in technology and increased use of the Internet by consumers has made it easy for you to add streaming audio on your site and create a personal relationship with their customers. You can also add streaming audio on the newsletter, or blog for a personal touch that will keep the interest of their readers and subscribers. Streaming audio can be used in a welcome message to the first page of its website. Add a personal message of welcome to his readers and explain certain characteristics that can explore on your website is an excellent way to improve the customer experience. You can add streaming audio on your site in the form of testimonies of satisfied customers. Most PC users have the ability to listen to audio messages, and it will be a change in the text that monotonous May May or not their interest. His newsletter or a blog benefit from the use of streaming audio as well. You can add a new hints in the form of sound each day on your blog, or include updates of audio products in its bulletin. Adding streaming audio on your site, newsletters, blogs, or is no longer a frivolous add-ons. It is not difficult or expensive to add sound to your site and you will find that their customers appreciate this new feature. Audio should be conversational and pleasant, and sounds as natural as possible. You can write articles and objects you want to cover in its streaming audio message, but record your message as if it was to talk to friends and family. Adding streaming audio on your site, newsletter, or blog is the ideal way to provide their customers with a personal message that will give them confidence in their honesty and integrity. For more valuable resources to develop a successful business in the head today!

How to Create Professional Audio Books from Scratch

My name is Alan Twigg and I write this article to give advice to any person who proposes to create their own professional audio books. In the New Year I came with the idea of creating professional children's stories and offering them for download on the Internet. There is, however, even if I had someone to write stories - my mother - and someone to promote the stories? I, I knew that nobody knew how to record the stories professionally. I knew I should be relatively simple, as I just wanted to make an audio-book contains the speech. I started doing research on Google - but what I find articles that had both technical gibberish? I was rather than outside. So I went to my music store to get advice about what to buy. He decided to use my computer to create audio books, and that is what I bought: 1 microphone 1 pop-screen (which is equivalent to a piece of cloth that is placed directly in front of the microphone ' stop his jump $) 1 micro Study Group 1 projects (Wavelab) 1 USB audio / MIDI interface (122 U.S. TASCAM with phantom power) 1 pair of heaphones Everything came to U.S. $ 650 (800) dollars. I connected my audio / MIDI interface (which is in principle a very good external sound card in one case) to my computer via the USB cable. Then, set up the microphone and microphone cable attached to the MIDI interface. After installing the software, I was ready to begin. The results were overwhelming, and I think Wavelab software powerful and incredibly easy to use. Some books sound recording for the first time that municipalities have my copy ready before starting recording. I pin leaves text that I will read in front of me on the wall. Then, about 8 inches from the microphone, start talking. The most natural May be the most interesting is his listeners. I realized that it is better to stand in front of the microphone and make gestures in the same way that when you speak to a close friend. If it is still stiff as a statue, you encounter the same way in the recording. Another thing I do before starting recording is for me to get a good mood. Again, this will increase the effects of his recordings. I always listen to some songs exciting and enthusiastic obtain before starting. You must also ensure that you keep the same distance from the microphone. That's all? I hope this article will spare some time to create your own recording studio and I wish you every success with its audio-books. The author of this article is Alan Twigg. My business is books games, offering new and modern audio-books for 3 - 10-year-old. You will find this area

Creating Web Content Using Audio Recordings of Expert Interviews

The creation of Web content using audio recordings of interviews with experts </ p> The best way to create content for their Web sites are also one of the best ways to create value for its clients. It is a great technique that when used and can make a big difference in how the professional work is seen on the market. </ P> one of the biggest mistakes you can do Doing business online is on the verge of becoming an expert in all </ p> Many business owners online think that if we do not create the actual content, Will not be offered or sold. This is totally untrue. Besides, if you do not get over this block, you will find yourself short and you probably will not complete many of their projects. </ P> instead stuck in this way, try to use sound recording to create content quickly and relieve the pressure of having to do everything himself. </ P> Research <P> experts and interviews in the register. </ P>, please send an e-mail to 5 people you want to interview them, inviting them to discuss with you for 30-45 minutes by telephone. To do this as often as you wish, but at least twice a year. </ P> sure to give a few sentences about what you want to ask them and tell them what to do interviews. Let them know that you have recorded the interviews, so that you can share your experience with their online visitors. </ P> Most experts are appealing because his invitation they have to do very little preparation, no travel, and have been granted permanent exhibition added to the network. This is the best way to get a large number of new people with little effort. </ P> There are two methods for file maintenance: Use a professional service or do-it-yourself </ p> With the help of a professional service </ p> There are different levels service in the sound recording of industry and a number of bells and whistles to choose. At this point, to create an audio recording of visitors to its Web site, all you need is a way to place a link on its Web site in MP3 and RealAudio. </ P> s <P> You do not have a CD or tape duplication, but you want May to consider on the road. </ P> Choose from a recommendation services based on the budget and how the statement that you're ready to do their own. Some of its professional services - </ A> and http:// Www . audiostrategies. No </ A>. </ P> to do so yourself </ p> do it yourself has its advantages: You can get almost anything at the last minute without having to call a supplier. Over time, there are significant cost savings. And, of course, are increasingly technical expert brings a certain degree of autonomy to add to their confidence that the online entrepreneur. </ P> This is a learning curve that involves a commitment of time and requires U.S. $ 200 investment to get started. If you are a little less technically capable, and plans to register more than 15-20 hours of audio in the next year, have a good look at the following resources to make their own recordings. You'll save money by doing it yourself. In fact, it may be worth hiring a virtual assistant to learn for you. </ P> This article on how to save and create passive income TeleClasses are clear, detailed and highly technical: http:// http: / / default.html </ A>. It contains everything you need, including step-by-step screen shots to begin recording their telephone interviews in his own office. <BR> <BR> Consider this: Interview people in the dossier not only helps you add content to its current site, it is a treaty, and - true way to create a complete product. All three persons interviewed during the next two weeks, then package admission to a quick and dirty information products for sale. If you ensure that the talks faced a problem, especially for its customers, you'll have a winner. </ P> This is why we can not open a new source of income is only a quick and easy way. </ P> Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and business owners online. As Thomas J. Leonard 's Director General, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now, the general manager of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, write, speak and consultation on marketing, the Internet and enterprise development. For more tips, go to <a target = _new href = </ A>;.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales

Designed to add sound to your site? You must. While large copy do a good job of selling their products and services audio amplify the impact of his words. Audio gives you a more personal relationship with visitors on the site. Social psychologists tell us that man is more likely to trust you if they can see and hear you. And the prospects are more likely to buy those who feel they know, love and trust. Therefore, we will explore how we can build an instant connection with their potential customers.
What can you do with sound? </ B> There are endless possibilities of what can be done with audio on Web pages and e-mail, but here are seven simple ideas to get started.
1. Personal greet visitors. </ B>
Welcome to the first visitors to our Web site with its own voice. It is much warmer welcome than just text.
2. Create a series of lessons audio
audio learning is hot! Teach the audience with her voice rather than mere words on the page. Remember to develop a series of mini-lessons sound for potential customers.
3. Share your interview
If you do not already have an interview clip, you can ask a friend or colleague to make a brief, dynamic interview with you on the phone. Write and place it on our website. Or create a series of interviews with other experts in their fields, and add them to your site to be heard.
4. Samples of Teleseminars
Want to know more open for subscriptions and / or paid teleseminars? Then start recording. Remove the strengths and clips free on its Web site.
5. Last update his testimony. </ B>
You probably already have customers in place. Now, strengthening its influence with sound. Are your customers register their stories in their own voice, and is published on the site with their names and photos.
6. Create your e-mail and e-zines Talk. </ B>
life to your e-mail, making them talk to their potential customers, subscribers and customers. Members in their lists feel like you're there with them. (And remember, is that the personal relationship that encourages people to rent or buy their products.) Be the first in the industry to do so, and look at the figures instead!
7. Postcards audio
Now your best customers and prospects for holidays, birthdays or other special occasions by sending an e-mail postcard personal with a recorded message.
What is the easiest way to posts audio? </ B> in the past, add sound to your site that has not been easy. Either you have to spend several hours learning how to do it yourself or pay someone else to take it up with the activity to be for you. Hence, I've never been interested before the sound. I can e-zine Queen, but I'm not a technical queen. In fact, my VCR still blinks 12:00 ... 12:00 ... 12:00. Here's the good news is a new program that
audio recording and ridiculously easy
. It is called the producer and the sound was created by Armand Morin, the same man who created the POPUP generator and a number of other innovative initiatives generator . I registered immediately after making his debut in this system 3 Seminar in Ohio a few weeks ago. Here is an example of how easy Audio Generator is as follows: Say you want to add an audio hi to your side this afternoon. Just call the generator free audio and save your fax message. Then, when you hang up, go to access the site. Ta Da ... the message is clear and waiting, with a line of HTML code so you can copy and paste it into your home. That's it! Even better, you can do
an unlimited number of times
and full
on your site (or more). You can also download digital audio
up to 30 minutes
, which I will do for samples of my teleclasses. Click here to get the read any history, and see (and hear) E-zine Queen's own testimony audio audio Generator website.
Remember, this is the personal connection that matters
Take time today to reflect on what they could do with the audio on your site and e-mail to improve the relationship with their visitors. Then select at least one tactic in order to complete this month. It May be the best addition you have done for their marketing efforts online this year. (c) 2003 Alexandria K. Brown, the author Alexandria K. Brown, E-zine Queen , is the author of award-winning manual, Boost Business with its own e-zine. If you want to know more about her book and sign up for more free advice as these, you can go online onMouseOver = window.status = 'http://EzineQueenTutorial. com / '; Return true; onMouseOut = window.status =''; return true;

Monday, March 9, 2009

Alternatives to MP3

Although MP3 is the most popular format for encoding music, is far from alone. There are two basic methods to compress the sound? without loss and defeat, and for each of these approaches is that many formats. Without loss of compression means that no audio data is removed during compression. With the loss of audio-compression means that data are permanently removed from audio files. With the loss of compression results in smaller files, but it is not possible to reconstruct the audio data in its original format. MP3 is an example of lossy compression. Lossy compression formats, there are many options when it comes to MP3 encoded audio files. Microsoft has developed the WMA licensing in order to avoid the costs associated with MP3. WMA files can be played with Windows Media Player included with the Windows operating system, as well as many other audio players. It has similar prices for MP3 encoding and even the size of files. AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) is preferred by Apple and is used for its popular iTunes and iPod. AAC files can be less than MP3 files, increasingly use encryption. A 96 kpbs AAC file is similar to good quality at 128 kbps MP3 file. Ogg Vorbis is another type of compression and loss of use. Ogg that type. It is an open source products, and unlike MP3, there are no patent restrictions on use. Without loss of audio compression for the purists who insist on the best possible sound quality, without loss of compression CD-quality sound. The flap is higher file sizes? while MP3 can compress the sound up to 80% - 90% without loss of compression normally compress the file by half. People without loss formats Flac, Monkey's Audio, and SHN (reduce). These formats are supported by many audio players and are very popular for archiving collections of CDs, as well as to manage music. His is the editor of Audio Guide section selection Audio Guide 'examination